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🌟 Exciting News Alert! 🌟 

Guess who paid a visit to Sunrise Communities last week? None other than the mighty Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth!  

As Thor, he knows a thing or two about strength and vitality,  come on down and get your health check today be part of the superhero squad. ⚑️ 

"Do something today that your future self will thank you for”.

Chris Hemsworth

April 2024

Osteoporosis Day, 20th October 2023

Many older people worldwide suffer from a condition called osteoporosis, which makes their bones weak and prone to breaking easily. To maintain healthy bones and prevent fractures, follow these five steps:

1. Exercise: Stay active with weight-bearing, muscle-strengthening, and balance-training exercises.

2. Nutrition: Eat foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, and protein, and get some sunlight for vitamin D.

3. Lifestyle: Maintain a healthy weight, avoid smoking, and limit alcohol intake.

4. Risk Factors: Discuss your risk factors with your doctor, especially if you've had a fracture before, have a family history of osteoporosis, or take certain medications.

5. Testing & Treatment: If you're at high risk, your doctor may recommend testing and treatment, including medication and lifestyle changes to protect your bones and prevent fractures.

Way to go kristy!