
Clinic opening hours

Monday: 08:30am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Tuesday: 08:30am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Wednesday: 08:30am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Thursday: 08:30am - 12:00pm

Friday: 09:30am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Weekends and Public Holidays: The Ngukurr clinic is open for emergencies only outside of the above clinic opening hours, to access after hours emergency care please call the clinic on 08 8977 2800.

Clinic Contact Details

Phone Number: 08 8977 2800

Address: Lot 316, Ngukurr NT 0852

About Ngukurr

Ngukurr is 331 kilometres south-east of Katherine on the Roper Highway. 

There are apporximately 1000 people living in Ngukurr with common languages spoken being Kriol, Ritharrngu, Marra, Gurindji kriol and English.


Ngukurr is accessible by road, air and water. The gravel section of the Roper Highway (the last approximately 60 kilometres into Ngukurr) is well maintained and can be used by conventional cars during the dry season and 4WD during the wet season. Travel time by road is approximately three and a half (3.5) hours from Katherine. 

Air travel chartered from Darwin is two (2) hours or one (1) hour from Katherine. The airstrip is an all-weather strip and sealed. There is also a landing at Ngukurr for barge travel. Only during severe flooding at the Roper and Wilton Rivers which occurs only sporadically does the road become inaccessible.

Please be advised that Ngukurr is a closed community; which means you will need a permit from NLC (Northern Land Council) before you visit.